Document(s) Expiring in 11-30 days

Use this page to review the list of documents for which the number of days remaining prior to the expiry date is more than ten days and less than or equal to 30 days.

To view this page, click the Document(s) Expiring In 11 to 30 days tile on the Document Management tab in the Event Management Console page.

Review this information:

Field Name Field Description
Supplier The name of the supplier who sent the document.
Document Name
Document Description The name of the document. The description of the document.
Version Number The version number of the document.
File Name The name of the document.
File Type The file format of the document.
Creation Date The date on which the document is created.
Expired Date The date up to which the document is valid.
Expires In The number of days remaining prior to the Expired Date.