Supplier Report Card
Use this page to view the performance report for the metrics defined by the customer. The information such as the rating, total points attained and the categories is displayed.
Review this information in the header section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Address | The address of the supplier. |
City | The name of the city where the supplier is located. |
State/Province | The name of the state/province where the supplier is located. |
Postal Code | The postal code of the State where the supplier is located. |
Primary Contact | The name of the user (point of contact) at the supplier. |
Phone | The phone number of the user specified in the Primary Contact. |
Fax | The fax number of the user specified in the Primary Contact. |
Cell | The mobile number of the user specified in the Primary Contact. |
Review this information in the Overall Scores section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Supplier Rating | The overall performance rating attained. |
Total Points | The total points attained for the category. |
Category | The name of the category. |
Points | The points attained for the activity related to the category. |
Rating | The performance rating for the category. |
You can also use this page to:
- View the overall rating and category rating in a chart format using the option. The overall rating is displayed using the rating indicator and the category ratings are displayed using the bars in the Overall Scores section. Hover on the category rating and scroll to view the rating for the next category.
- View the performance report for a category using the Supplier Report Card (category) page is displayed. option corresponding to the category. The
- View the report card for the combination of the part number, facility, ship from or ship to using the criteria in the Report Card Filter section. Specify the criteria and click .