Generating sequence for serial numbers
- Select Shipments > Create Shipper. The Shipper page is displayed.
Select a part in the Part List section.
Note: You must select a lot and serial controlled part.
- Click Create Shipper. The Shipper page is displayed.
- Click Edit in Line Items section. The Shipper Line Item page is displayed.
- Click the Serials & Lots section. The Lot Number and Lot Quantity fields are displayed.
- Specify a lot number and quantity in the Serials and Lots section.
- Click Add.
- Click Serials corresponding to the required lot number The Serial Controlled Parts page is displayed.
- Review the information such as part number, lot number and quantity and the alpha numeric code.
- Specify a serial number in the Next Serial Number field.
Click Generate Sequence. The list
of parts before the specified part is generated..
Note: Alternatively, to generate sequence serial numbers:
- Click Download Template on the Serial Controlled Parts page to download the template in xml or csv format.
- Specify the required information and click Import Serial no.
- Click Save or Delete.