Generating sequence for serial numbers

  1. Select Shipments > Create Shipper. The Shipper page is displayed.
  2. Select a part in the Part List section.
    Note: You must select a lot and serial controlled part.
  3. Click Create Shipper. The Shipper page is displayed.
  4. Click Edit in Line Items section. The Shipper Line Item page is displayed.
  5. Click the Serials & Lots section. The Lot Number and Lot Quantity fields are displayed.
  6. Specify a lot number and quantity in the Serials and Lots section.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Serials corresponding to the required lot number The Serial Controlled Parts page is displayed.
  9. Review the information such as part number, lot number and quantity and the alpha numeric code.
  10. Specify a serial number in the Next Serial Number field.
  11. Click Generate Sequence. The list of parts before the specified part is generated..
    Note: Alternatively, to generate sequence serial numbers:
    1. Click Download Template on the Serial Controlled Parts page to download the template in xml or csv format.
    2. Specify the required information and click Import Serial no.
  12. Click Save or Delete.