Part Shipping History
Use this page to view the shipping history details for the part such as the total shipped quantity, the shipper number and the ship quantity.
The information is displayed based on the search criteria in the Shipping History Search Criteria page.
Review this information in the part Description section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Total Shipped Quantity | The total quantity of the part shipped to date. |
Last Ship Date | The date on which the shipment that contained the part is sent. |
Review this information in the Results section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Shipper Number | The code of the shipper. |
Ship Date | The date on which the shipper is created. |
Bill Of Lading Number | The code to identify the shipment. This code is issued by the carrier that transports the shipment. |
Ship Quantity | The quantity of the part shipped. |
CUM Quantity | The cumulative quantity of the part shipped. |
Purchase Order Number | The purchase order number associated with the requirement. |
Purchase Order Line Number | The purchase order line number of the requirement. |
Pull Signal | The code of the Kanban signal that represents the required quantity of the part. |
Engineering Change Level | The customer defined code that indicates the required version of the part. |
Model Year | The code of the part that indicates the year when the part is used. |
Facility | The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised. |
Ship To | The location to which the parts are shipped. |
You can click the shipper number, to review the details of the shipper. The Shipper page is displayed.