Part Information
Use this page to review the customer and supplier part information and the packaging information for the facility and ship to location.
The information is displayed based on the search criteria specified on the Parts Search Criteria page.
Review this information in the Customer Part Information section.
Field Name | Field Description |
Customer Part Number | The customer defined code of the part. |
Unit of Measure | The unit of measure for the part. |
Description | The unit of measure for the part. |
Review this information in the Supplier Part Information section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Supplier Part Number | The code of the part. |
Part Weight | The weight of the part. This value is used to calculate the net weight of shippers. |
Part Weight Unit of Measure | The unit of measure for the Part Weight. |
Part Price | The cost of each unit of the specified part. |
Description | The description of the part. |
AQP | Indicates whether the part is an assured quality part (AQP). |
Currency | The currency that is used to express the charges and other monetary amounts related to the part. |
Review this information in the Packaging Information section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Facility | The name of the location from where the request for the parts is raised. |
Ship To | The location to which the parts are shipped. |
Template Code | The code of the packaging template. |
Description | The description of the packaging template. |
Default Package On Shipper | Indicates the default packaging for the part. |
You can use the
option to modify the part information.