RFQ Console

The Request For Quotation (RFQ) Console provides a summary of the RFQs received and the RFQ lines for which the responses are sent.

An RFQ comprises of a primary line item and multiple alternate line items. Optionally, the RFQ can have one or more associated Manufacturer Part Number (MPN).

You can also view the number of queries related to the RFQ line and the corresponding responses that is received from the customer. The color codes in the Legend section indicate the status of the RFQ, based on the expiry date. The status of the RFQ can be:

  • Expired: Indicates that the current date has exceeded the response date for the RFQ.
  • Expires within n days: Indicates that the expiry date for the RFQ is within n days.
  • Expires within n+x days: Indicates that the expiry date for the RFQ is within n+x days.