Demand summary
The Demand Summary is a comprehensive list of the demands (requirements) for the current week. A Demand can be delivery-based or shipment-based.
For a delivery-based demand, the demand summary is displayed based on the ship from and the transit time (between the ship from and ship to locations) associated with the demand. The requirement date specified on this type of demand indicates the date on which the part is expected to reach the ship to location. For example, if the requirement date for Part A is 3rd May, the application searches for the default ship from (for Part A) and the default transit time from this ship from to the ship to. If the transit time is 2 days, Part A is displayed on the demand summary for 1st May (3 May minus 2 days).
For a shipment-based demand, the demand summary is displayed based on the Date (requirement date) specified for the demand. The requirement date refers to the date on which the parts are shipped. For example, if the requirement date for Part A is 3rd May, Part A is displayed on the demand summary for 3rd May.