Use this page to review the shipper information such as the ship to, ship from and AETC number. The line items related to the shipper are also displayed.
You can access this page using the Shippers page.
corresponding to the shipper number in theReview this information in the Shipping Information section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Customer From | The name of the customer who raised the demand for the parts. |
Ship To | The location to which the parts are shipped. |
Supplier | The name of the supplier. |
Ship From | The location from where the parts are shipped. |
Shipment Date | The date on which parts are shipped. |
Expected Arrival | The date on which shipped parts are expected to be delivered. |
Review this information in the Header Information section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Shipper Number | The code of the shipper. |
Freight | The mode of payment for the cost of shipping.
Possible values:
AETC | The Authorized Excess Transportation Cost
(AETC) number provided by the customer. This indicates that the shipping costs
that exceed the contractual terms are permitted.
Note: You cannot modify this field, if the AETC functionality is
Vehicle Number | The railcar number, trailer number or air freight number. |
Route Code | The code of the route map for the shipment. This value is defaulted from the Route Details page, as defined by the customer. |
Carrier | The code of the company that transports the shipment. |
SCAC | The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the Carrier. |
Pro Number | The carrier tracking number used to track the shipment. |
Bill of Lading Number | The code to identify the shipment. This code is issued by the Carrier. |
Ship Date & Time | The date and time when the shipper is created. |
Expected Arrival Date & Time | The date and time when the shipment is
expected to reach the checkpoint location.
Note: This is calculated based on the information updated on the
Checkpoint page.
AETC Responsibility | The business partner (customer or supplier) responsible to pay the additional costs related to the shipment. |
Transport | The mode of conveyance used for transporting the shipment. |
Dock | The code of the dock to which the shipment is sent. |
Test or Production | Indicates the type of requirement. Possible
Remarks | The additional information related to the shipment. |
Supplier Attached Files | The attached files related to the shipment. |
Review this information in the Line Items section:
- You can use the
option to add a new line item or use the Quick Add field to select a line item from the list.
- The Purchase Order is defaulted when a new line is added for to the same Purchase Order.
- To generate sequence Serial numbers,
- Download the template in xml or csv format in the Shippers page through Download option in the Line Items section.
- Specify the required information and upload the file through Choose File option.
Field Name | Field Description |
Packaging Template | The template code defined for the container.
Customer Part Number | The customer defined code of the part. |
PO Number | The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirements. |
Kanban no | The number of the Kanban pull signal. |
Quantity Shipped | The quantity of the part shipped. |
U of M | The unit of measure (U of M) for the ordered quantity of the part. |
You can also use this page to:
- Modify the shipper header information. Click
in the Header Information section. The Shipper Header page is displayed.
- Request an AETC number for the excess
shipping cost. Click
. The AETC Request detail page is displayed.
- Attach the files related to the shipment. Click . Navigate to the file to be attached and click . Click .
- Delete the file attached to the shipper. Click .
- Modify the line item information. Click Customer Part Number in the Line Items section. The Shipper Line Item page is displayed. corresponding to the
- Modify the containers used for the shipment. Click Containers page is displayed. . The
- Add the line items for the shipper. Click Shipper Line Item page is displayed. . The
- Delete the line item information. Select the check box corresponding to the Customer Part Number and click .
- Print the labels for the shipper. Click .
- Print the shipping documents. Click
. The Select Document Type page is displayed.
- Preview the shipper details. Click
. The Shipper preview page is displayed.
- Validate the shipper information. Click
- Publish the shipper. Click
. The shipper is published and sent as an Advance Ship Notice (ASN) to the customer.