High Fab/Mat CUM Report List
Use this page to view the details of the fabrication (Fab) and material (Mat) cumulative (CUM) quantities for the part.
The information is displayed based on the search criteria specified in the High Fab/Mat CUM Report Search Criteria page.
Review this information in the Demand List section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Facility | The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised. |
Ship To | The location to which the parts are shipped. |
Ship From | The location from where the parts are shipped. |
Customer Part | The customer defined code of the part. |
Part Description | The description of the part. |
PO Number | The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirement. |
High FAB CUM | The cumulative quantity of the part authorized to manufacture. |
High MAT CUM | The cumulative quantity of the raw material authorized for purchase. |
High FAB CUM Release Date | The date on which the demand for the High FAB CUM is raised. |
High MAT CUM Release Date | The date on which the demand for the part manufactured using the High MAT CUM, is raised. |
High FAB CUM Release No | The number associated with the release for the High FAB CUM. |
High MAT CUM Release No | The number associated with the release for the part manufactured using the High MAT CUM. |