Creating shipper

Use this page to create the shipper for the requirements associated with the facility, ship to and ship from combination.

To create the shipper:

  1. Select Shipments > Create Shipper.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location to which the parts are shipped.
    Note: You can select the DropShipTo value in this field to deliver the shipment at an address other than the specified Ship To address.
    Shipper Number
    The code of the shipper.
    Note:  This code is assigned sequentially based on the Next Shipper Number specified on the Supplier Profile page.
    Ship From
    The location from where the parts are shipped.
    Discrete Purchase Order Number
    The purchase order number related to the requirements.
    Delivery Name
    The location to which the parts are delivered.
  3. Click Continue. The Requirements page is displayed.