Parts List
Use this page to view the list of parts related to transactions with the supplier.
To access this page, click on the Parts tile in the Statistics section of the Supplier Summary page.
Review this information related to the supplier:
Field Name | Field Description |
Address | The address of the supplier. |
City | The name of the city where the supplier is located. |
State/Province | The name of the state/province where the supplier is located. |
Postal Code | The postal code of the State where the supplier is located. |
Primary Contact | The name of the user (point of contact) at the supplier. |
Phone | The phone number of the user specified in the Primary Contact. |
Review this information in the Parts Detail section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Part No. | The code of the part. |
Description | The description of the part. |
Master Container | The code of the master container. |
Master Container Qty. | The quantity of the part received in the master container. |
Detail Container | The code of the detail container. |
Detail Container Qty. | The quantity of the part received in the detail container. |
Std. Pack Qty. | The quantity of the part per Kanban signal. |