Generating Metrics

Use this page to review the metrics generation criteria defined on the Metrics Generation page and select the supplier for whom the metrics are generated.

Review this information in the Metrics Criteria section:

Field Name Field Description
Facility The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
Name The name of the metrics to be generated.
Start Date The date from which the transactions are considered to generate the metrics.
End Date The date up to which the transactions are considered to generate the metrics.
Type The duration for which the metrics report is generated. Possible values:
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Annual
  • Custom

Review this information in the Suppliers section:

Field Name Field Description
Supplier The name of the supplier
ASNs Indicates if the Advance Ship Notices (ASNs) have been published by the supplier.
Requirements Indicates if the requirements have been published by the supplier.
Receipts Indicates if the receipts have been published by the supplier.

You can select the check box corresponding to the supplier and click Generate. The Metrics Generation Status page is displayed.