Use this page to review the shipper history data such as the shipper number, shipment status and the expected arrival date.
The information is displayed based on the search criteria specified in the View Shipper History Search Criteria page.
Review this information:
Field Name | Field Description |
Ship To | The location at which the parts are received. |
Dock | The code of the dock where the shipment is received. |
Expected Arrival | The date and time when the shipment is to be delivered to the Ship To location. |
Supplier | The name of the supplier. |
Shipper ID | The code or number of the shipper. |
SCAC | The SCAC code that represents the carrier. |
Vehicle | The type of vehicle used to transport the shipment. |
Status | The status of the shipment. Possible values:
You can review the shipper details using the Shipper ID. The Shipper details page is displayed.
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