Return Material Authorization

Use this page to view the line item details of the RMA selected in the RMAs section of the RMA List page.

Review this information in the Header Information section:

Field Name Field Description
Supplier The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
Promised Delivery Date The date on which the part is agreed to be delivered.
RMA Number The code of the RMA.
RMA Date The date on which the RMA is created.
Sales Contact Name The point of contact (user) for sales at the supplier.
Shipping Contact Name The point of contact (user) for shipping at the supplier.
Carrier Contact Name The point of contact (user) at the carrier that transports the shipment.
Buyer Contact Name The point of contact (user) that created the RMA.
Payment Term The terms related to the payment for the shipment.
Order Date The date on which the demand for the parts is raised.
Authorization Date The date on which the RMA is authorized.
Status The status of the RMA.
Extended Price The total price of the line item. Extended price = unit price x ordered quantity

Review this information in the Line Item Detail section:

Field Name Field Description
LineNo The line number.
Notes Indicates the additional information related to the line item.
Ship To The location at which the parts are received.
Facility The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
Part The code of the part.
Quantity The quantity of the part ordered.
U of M The unit of measure (U of M) for the part.
Unit Price The price for each specified unit of measure of the part.
Open The number of order lines with status Open.
Received The number of order lines with Received status.
Backorder The number of backorders for this order line.
Promised Return Date The date on which the part is agreed to be returned.
Required Return Date The date on which the part must be returned.
Return Reason Code The reason code for the return of the part.
Status The status of the line item.
Extended Price The total price of the line item. Extended price = unit price x ordered quantity
Lots & Serials The serial and lot number of the defective part for which a refund, replacement or repair is requested by the buyer.