Supplier Mandatory Alerts
Use this page to select the alerts to notify the supplier of the critical events. When an event related to the selected alert occurs, the application sends an email notification to the email address specified on the User Profile page.
You can select the Send check box corresponding to the alert to notify the supplier. These are the type of alerts generated:
- Demand Alerts
- PO Alerts
- AETC Alerts
- Metrics Alerts
- Premium Freight Alerts
- Kanban Alerts
- DMN Alerts
- Remittance Advice Alerts
- Miscellaneous Invoices Alerts
- Self Billing Invoices Alerts
- DPR Alerts
- SMI Alerts
- PPAP Alerts
- Receipt Alerts
- CUM Management Alerts
- Proposed PO Alerts
- Production Invoice Alerts
- Request For Quotation Alerts
- Document Management Alerts
- Blanket PO Alerts
- RMA Alerts