Defining the search criteria for Premium Freight Trend Analysis
Use the View Trend Analysis page to specify the search criteria to view the premium freight trend analysis report on the Premium Freight Trend Analysis page.
- Select Premium Freight > Trend Analysis.
Specify this information:
- Report By
- The report is generated for the selected value. Possible values:
- Facility
- Ship To
- Supplier
- Reason
- Expeditor
- Authorized By
- Carrier
- Interval
- The duration for which the
report is displayed. Possible values:
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Required Date Start
- The date from which the premium freight data must be included in the trend analysis report.
- Required Date End
- The date up to which the premium freight data must be included in the trend analysis report.
- Facility
- The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
- Ship To
- The location at which the parts are received.
- Supplier
- The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
- Reason
- The reason for creating the premium freight authorization.
- Carrier
- The code of the carrier that transports the expedited shipment.
- Expeditor
- The name of the user (planner) who creates the PFA.
- Authorized By
- The name of the user who authorizes the expedited shipment.
- Authorized By
- The name of the user who authorizes the expedited shipment.
- Click Submit. The Premium Freight Trend Analysis page is displayed.