Premium Freight Authorization History
Use this page to view the premium freight authorizations (PFAs) created to date. The PFA details such as the part, quantity, reason code, and carrier, are displayed.
The PFAs are displayed based on the search criteria specified in the View History Search Criteria page.
Review this information is displayed in the Details section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Part | The code of the part. |
Facility | The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised. |
Ship To | The location at which the parts are received. |
Dock | The code of the dock where the shipment is received. |
Supplier | The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part. |
Quantity | The quantity of the part required. |
Date | The date on which the PFA is created. |
AETC Number | The Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) code assigned to the expedited shipment indicates that the shipping cost that exceeds the contractual terms is permitted. |
Status | The status of the PFA. Possible values:
Reason | The code of the reason for which the PFA is created. |
Expeditor | The name of the user (planner) who created the PFA. |
Authorized By | The name of the user who authorizes the expedited shipment. |
Carrier | The code of the carrier that transports the PFA shipment. |
Estimated Cost | The estimated cost of the requirements related to the PFA. |
Actual Cost | The actual cost of the requirements related to the PFA. |
You can use the Part, to view the details of the PFA.
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