Assigning the proxy users to Categories
Use this page to assign a category manager and vendor manager proxy user to a specific product category. You can also activate the proxy response for the category.
- Select Supplier Onboarding > Proxy Users. The Proxy Users page is displayed.
- Click the Edit option corresponding to a category.
Review this information:
- Category
- The name of the product category.
- Category Manager
- The name of the category manager who is assigned to the product category.
- Vendor Assurance Manager
- The name of the vendor assurance manager who is assigned to the product category.
- Select proxy users in the Category Manager Proxy and Vendor Assurance Manager Proxy fields for the category.
- Click Save to assign the category manager and vendor assurance manager proxy users to the category.
- Select the name of the user for whom the proxy user is authorized to evaluate surveys and approve the applications. The list of categories for which the user is a category manager or vendor assurance manager, is displayed.
Click Activate Proxy Response. The
proxy user is authorized to evaluate surveys and approve the applications for
the categories.
- A user must assign a proxy user for at least one product category associated with the user.
- Only admin users can assign and provide authorization to a proxy user.
- A user (without the admin rights) is only authorized to activate and deactivate a proxy user for the product categories that are associated with the user.
- You can search for a specific proxy user assigned to a category, using the Search option