Creating or modifying Kanban Parts

Use the Kanban Part Detail page to specify or modify the Kanban part details for the specified facility and ship to combination.

  1. Select Demand > Kanban > Define Parts.
  2. Specify the search criteria.
  3. Click Search. The Existing Parts page is displayed.
  4. Click Add, to create a new Kanban part. The Part Detail page is displayed.
    Note:  To modify the Kanban part details, click Edit corresponding to the Part Number. The Part Detail page is displayed.
  5. Specify or modify this information:
    The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
    The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location at which the part is received.
    The name of the customer user (planner) who manages the part inventory.
    Note:  You can add a planner using the New option. Specify the planner name in the field that is displayed.
    Part Number
    The code of the part. This value is defaulted from the Part Number field on the Part Information page.
    Pull Loop Size
    The number of Kanban signals that can be active for the part, excluding emergency signals.
    Note:  When defining the Kanban part, this is the number of signals generated.

    The pull loop size is calculated as:

    Pull Loop = (ADVV * (DF + MT + TT + OP) + SS) / STD.PACK


    • ADV = Average Daily Volume (based on MRP data)
    • ADVV = ADV * Vendor's split
    • DF = Delivery Frequency Time (in days)
    • MT = Manufacturing Process Time
    • TT = In transit Time
    • OP = Order Process Time
    • SS = Safety Stock In Days
    • STD.PACK = Standard Pack
    Minimum Number of Pull Signals
    The minimum number of Kanban signals required for the part. This is the number of signals with the status In-Transit and In-House.
    Standard Pack
    The quantity of the part required per Kanban signal.
    Note:  When a Kanban signal is sent, the supplier ships the quantity of the part as specified in this field.
    PO Number
    The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirements.
    Model Year
    The code of the part that indicates the year when the part is used.
    Engineering Level
    The code that indicates the required version of the part.
    Create Emergency Signals
    The number of emergency Kanban signals that must be created.
    Create New Signals To Match Pull Loop Size
    If this check box is selected, the application creates new Kanban signals, to match the Pull Loop Size specified for the part.
    Lead Time
    The length of time (in days, hours, and minutes) that is added to the current system time, to determine the due date for the pull signal part.
    Delivery Days
    The days when the shipment for the part is delivered. The day, or days selected, are included in the lead time to calculate the due date for the Kanban part.
    Created Signals
    The number of signals that have been created, but not yet sent to the supplier as demand.
    At Supplier Signals
    The number of signals that are sent to the supplier as demand.
    In-Transit Signals
    The number of signals corresponding to which the supplier has shipped the part, but the shipment is not yet received at the customer ship to.
    In-House Signals
    The number of signals corresponding to which the shipment is received, but the parts are not consumed.
  6. Click Submit. The Existing Parts page is displayed.