Creating or modifying Kanban Parts
Use the Kanban Part Detail page to specify or modify the Kanban part details for the specified facility and ship to combination.
- Select Demand > Kanban > Define Parts.
- Specify the search criteria.
- Click Search. The Existing Parts page is displayed.
Add, to create a new
Kanban part. The
Part Detail page is displayed.
Note: To modify the Kanban part details, click Edit corresponding to the Part Number. The Part Detail page is displayed.
Specify or modify this information:
- Supplier
- The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
- Facility
- The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
- Ship To
- The location at which the part is received.
- Planner
- The name of the customer user (planner) who
manages the part inventory.
Note: You can add a planner using the New option. Specify the planner name in the field that is displayed.
- Part Number
- The code of the part. This value is defaulted from the Part Number field on the Part Information page.
- Pull Loop Size
- The number
of Kanban signals that can be active for the part, excluding emergency signals.
Note: When defining the Kanban part, this is the number of signals generated.
The pull loop size is calculated as:
Pull Loop = (ADVV * (DF + MT + TT + OP) + SS) / STD.PACK
- ADV = Average Daily Volume (based on MRP data)
- ADVV = ADV * Vendor's split
- DF = Delivery Frequency Time (in days)
- MT = Manufacturing Process Time
- TT = In transit Time
- OP = Order Process Time
- SS = Safety Stock In Days
- STD.PACK = Standard Pack
- Minimum Number of Pull Signals
- The minimum number of Kanban signals required for the part. This is the number of signals with the status In-Transit and In-House.
- Standard Pack
- The quantity of the part required per
Kanban signal.
Note: When a Kanban signal is sent, the supplier ships the quantity of the part as specified in this field.
- PO Number
- The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirements.
- Model Year
- The code of the part that indicates the year when the part is used.
- Engineering Level
- The code that indicates the required version of the part.
- Create Emergency Signals
- The number of emergency Kanban signals that must be created.
- Create New Signals To Match Pull Loop Size
- If this check box is selected, the application creates new Kanban signals, to match the Pull Loop Size specified for the part.
- Lead Time
- The length of time (in days, hours, and minutes) that is added to the current system time, to determine the due date for the pull signal part.
- Delivery Days
- The days when the shipment for the part is delivered. The day, or days selected, are included in the lead time to calculate the due date for the Kanban part.
- Created Signals
- The number of signals that have been created, but not yet sent to the supplier as demand.
- At Supplier Signals
- The number of signals that are sent to the supplier as demand.
- In-Transit Signals
- The number of signals corresponding to which the supplier has shipped the part, but the shipment is not yet received at the customer ship to.
- In-House Signals
- The number of signals corresponding to which the shipment is received, but the parts are not consumed.
- Click Submit. The Existing Parts page is displayed.