GTT Setup
Prerequisites to use the Global Track and Trace (GTT) functionality:
- The Enable Global Track & Trace check box must be selected in the Customer Profile page.
- The combination of supplier, ship from, facility, and ship to must be defined as the long-distance shipments. Long-distance shipments can be defined in the application or by sending (importing) a long-distance shipment API. The shipments that match the specified criteria are tracked through GTT.
- At least one route template must be defined, if the Route Definition Responsibility is set to Internal on the Customer Profile page. Route templates provide the details of the shipment routes. The templates can either be defined in the application or can be imported using a route template API.
- Shipment managers must be specified. Shipment managers are companies that specialize in tracking shipments and providing status updates.
- The inventory projection data must be set up.