Defining the Route Template
Use the Define Route Templates Search Criteria page to create a route template for long distance shipments.
- Select Shipments > Global Track & Trace > Define Route Templates.
- Specify the search criteria.
- Click Continue. The Route Templates page is displayed.
- Click Add in the Route List section. The Route Details page is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Route ID
- The name or code of the route.
- Route Description
- The description of the route.
Select the
Long-Distance Shipment for
which the route template is defined.
Note: The checkpoints defined for the selected long-distance shipment are displayed in the Route Checkpoints section
Review this information:
- Order
- The order in which the shipment passes through the checkpoints. The starting and ending checkpoint order cannot be changed.
- Checkpoint
- The name of the location on the shipment's route.
- Transit Time
- The total time required for a shipment to reach the checkpoint from the preceding checkpoint location.
- Click Save.