Inventory Projection Indicators
Use this page to view the list of Inventory Projection Indicators. These indicators help you assess the part inventory.
Review this information:
Field Name | Field Description |
Facility | The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised. |
Stoppage Tolerance | The number of days prior to the date on which the inventory is estimated to stockout, the stoppage indicator is displayed on the Inventory Projection Console. |
Shortage Tolerance | The number of days prior to the date on which the inventory is estimated to reach the safety stock level, the shortage indicator is displayed on the Inventory Projection Console. |
You can also use this page to:
- Add inventory projection indicator using the Inventory Projection Indicators detail page is displayed. option. The
- Modify an existing inventory projection indicator using the Inventory Projection Indicators detail page is displayed. option. The
- Delete the inventory projection indicator. Select the check box corresponding to the Facility and click .