Modifying the Proposed Purchase Order line item
Use the Line Item Detail page to modify the Proposed Purchase Order (PPO) line item details.
- Select Demand > Proposed POs > Proposed PO Management.
- Specify the search criteria.
- Click Continue. The Proposed PO Management List page is displayed.
- Click Edit corresponding to the Proposed PO Number. The Proposed PO page is displayed.
- Click Edit corresponding to the line item in the Line Item Detail section. The Line Item Detail page is displayed.
Review this information in the Proposed PO Information section:
- Supplier
- The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
- Facility
- The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
- Ship To
- The location at which the parts are received.
- Delivery Name
- The name of the location to which the parts are delivered.
- Proposed PO Number
- The PPO number associated with the requirement.
- Proposed PO Date
- The date when the PPO is created. The default value is the system date.
- PO Number
- The purchase order number associated with the requirement.
- Buyer Contact
- The name of the user (planner) associated with the PPO.
Review this information in the
Part Information section:
- Customer Part
- The code of the part. This value is defaulted from the Part Number field on the Part Information page.
- Supplier Part
- The supplier defined code of the part.
- Description
- The description of the part.
- Model ID/Year
- The code that indicates the year when the part is used.
- Eng. Level (Engineering Level)
- The code that indicates the required version of the part.
Modify this information on the
Pricing Information tab:
- Required Date
- The date on which the part is required at the
Ship To location.
Note: This field is highlighted if the supplier recommends a change in the date on which the part is delivered, when negotiating the PPO.
- Quantity
- The quantity of the part
Note: This field is highlighted if the supplier recommends a change in the quantity for the part required, when negotiating the PPO.
- Unit Price
- The price per unit of measure for the part.
Note: This field is highlighted if the supplier recommends a change in the part price, when negotiating the PPO.
Review this information:
- Pricing U of M
- The Unit of Measure (U of M) to determine the pricing for the ordered quantity of the part.
- Tax Exempt
- The tax exemption status of the PPO line item.
- Ext. Price
- The total price of the line item.
Extended Price = Unit Price X Ordered Quantity
Modify this information on the
Schedule tab:
- Required Date
- The due date for the parts. This date can be the date when the
parts must be shipped or the date when the parts must be delivered.
Note: This field is highlighted if the supplier recommends a change in the delivery date of the part corresponding to the schedule when negotiating the PPO.
- Quantity
- The quantity of the part
Note: This field is highlighted if the supplier recommends a change in the quantity of the part corresponding to the schedule when negotiating the PPO.
- Unit Price
- The price of the part for each specified unit of measure. Note: This field is highlighted if the supplier recommends a change in the price of the part corresponding to the schedule when negotiating the PPO.
- Ship To
- The location to which the parts are shipped for a specific schedule.
- Backorder
- Indicates if a backorder is created for the corresponding PO line or schedule.
- Resupply
- Indicates whether a Resupply order is created for the corresponding PO line/schedule.
Review this information:
- Reference Number
- The number to identify the schedule.
- Add or modify the notes and the files attached to the line item on the Notes tab.
Review this information on the
Allowances and Charges tab:
- Type
- The type of the amount. Possible values:
- Allowance
- Charge
- Amount
- The allowance or charge related to the PPO line item.
- Description
- The description of the allowance or charge.
Review this information on the
History tab:
- Date
- The date on which the line item is modified.
- Action
- The activity performed on the line item.
- User
- The name of the user who modified the line item.
- Reference Number
- The number to identify the line item schedule.
- Quantity
- The quantity of the part required.
- Price
- The price of the part for each specified unit of measure.
- Required Date
- The due date for the parts. This can be the date when the parts must be shipped or the date when the parts must be delivered.
- Comments
- The additional information related to the activity performed on the line item.
- Click Save. The Proposed PO page is displayed.