PPOs created in the last 7 days
Use this page to view the Proposed Purchase Order (PPO) that is created in the last seven days. The PPO data such as the PPO number, created date and the supplier are displayed.
To view this page, click the PPO Created in the last 7 days tile on the Proposed PO tab that is displayed in the Event Management Console page.
Review this information is displayed:
Field Name | Field Description |
Proposed PO Number | The PPO number associated with the requirements. |
Supplier | The name of the supplier to whom the PPO is sent. |
Facility | The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised. |
Ship To | The location at which the parts are received. |
Creation Date | The date on which the PPO is created. |
You can view the details of the PPO using the Proposed PO page is displayed.
option corresponding to the PPO. The