DPR Summary
Use this page to view the comprehensive list of Delivery Performance Reviews (DPRs) categorized by reason code. The number of DPRs published, the number of late DPR responses and the number of rejected responses, is displayed. You can also view the number of DPRs published and the total number of demerits for each reason code.
The DPR summary is displayed based on the search criteria specified in the View DPR Summary Search Criteria page.
Review this information in the DPR Details section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Occurrences | The type of DPR event such as DPR Issued, DPR Late Responses and DPR Rejected Responses. |
Quantity | The number of DPRs associated with the event. |
Review this information in the DPR Metrics section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Tests | The metric (reason) associated with the DPR. |
Quantity | The number of DPRs associated with the reason. |
Demerits Per | The number of points for each DPR with the reason. |
Total Demerits | The total number of demerit points. |
Totals | The total number of demerit points for the DPRs associated with all the reasons. |