Delivery performance reviews
A customer can create and publish a Delivery Performance Review (DPR). A DPR assigns demerits for early or late shipments, excess or deficit of the quantities, and other delivery issues based on the customer-defined reason codes. The demerit system helps customers to track performance of a supplier based on the severity of the issues, and not just the number of issues. A customer can create DPR using the application or by sending (importing) DPR files to the application.
A customer can create a DPR wherein the suppliers can be requested to complete and attach a DPR Corrective Action form with the details of the corrective action for rectifying the problem. The customer can accept or reject the corrective action. If a corrective action is accepted, the DPR status is set to Closed. If a corrective action is not required, the DPR status is set to Closed when published.
The DPR functionality is completely integrated with the application. Customers can select to receive DPR alerts and to view DPR events on the Event Management console. DPR is included in the Metric module and can be included in the metric performance evaluation.