Defining the search criteria for Discrete Purchase Orders

Use the Purchase Order List page to define the search criteria for the Discrete Purchase Orders (DPOs) that are displayed on the Purchase Order List page.

  1. Select Demand > Discrete POs.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the supplier responsible for shipping the part.
    The name of the facility from where the demand for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location to which the parts are delivered.
    Delivery Name
    The name of the location at which the parts are delivered.
    PO Number
    The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirements.
    Customer Part
    The options based on which you can specify the parts. Possible values:
    • List Parts: You can select the code of the part in the Part Number field.
    • Select Parts: You can specify the range of parts in the Part Start and Part End fields that must be displayed in the Part Number field.
    Note:  All the parts are considered in the search criteria, if this field is set to Please Select an Option.
    Part Start
    The code of the part from which the parts must be displayed in the Part Number field.
    Part End
    The code of the part up to which the parts must be displayed in the Part Number field.
    Part Number
    The list of parts. The parts are displayed based on the value set in the Customer Part field.
    Only include line item details that have the filtered part(s)
    If this check box is selected, only the DPOs that include the parts listed in the Part Number field are displayed.
    PO Status
    The status of the PO. Possible values:
    • Open & Pending
    • Pending
    • Open
    • Rejected
    • Cancelled
    • Closed
    PO Date
    The date range for the search criteria. The DPOs created in this specified period are displayed.
    Required Date
    The date range for the search criteria. The DPOs for which the required date for the line items is in this specified period are displayed.
    Only include line item details that have the filtered required date(s)
    If this check box is selected, only the DPOs that include the line items with the required date specified in the Required Date field are displayed.
    Only include PO having one or more priority lines
    If this check box is selected, the application displays the PO line/schedule items for which the priority is set.
    Only include PO with Cost Item
    Select this check box to review the POs that are created for the cost items.
    The point of contact (customer user) associated with the PO.
  3. Click Search.