Currency Exchange Rate

Use the Currency Exchange Rate page to review the exchange rate for the selected currency. The information is displayed based on the search criteria specified.

Review this information:

Field Name Field Description
From Currency The currency of the transaction amount.
To Currency The currency to which the transaction amount is converted.
Exchange Rate The conversion rate used to calculate the transaction amount in base currency.
Effective From The date from which the currency exchange rate is applicable.
Effective To The date up to which the currency exchange rate is applicable.

You can also use this page to:

  • Define the exchange rate for the currency using the Add option. The Define Currency Exchange Rate page is displayed.
  • Modify the exchange rate for the currency using the Edit option corresponding to the From Currency. The Define Currency Exchange Rate page is displayed.
  • Search the exchange rate for the currency. Select the From Currency and To Currency in the Search Criteria section and click Search.