Adding or modifying a survey type

Use this page to add a new survey type and assign the approval group. When the supplier submits the survey related to this survey type, the user in the approval group approves/rejects the survey.

  1. Select Surveys > Survey Types. The List of Survey Types page is displayed.
  2. Click New. The Add/Edit Survey Type page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Survey Type
    The type of survey.
    The description for the survey.
    Approval Group
    The approval group assigned to the survey type.
    Note: If the approval group is set to Vendor Assurance Manager and the survey is linked to a category, which has no vendor assurance manager, the system auto-approves the survey. In case, the survey is linked to the Category to which Vendor Assurance manager exists, the specific vendor assurance manager evaluates the surveys.
  4. Click Save.