Adding site type
Use this page to add a new site and link the site to the certificates, surveys and agreements.
- Select Supplier Onboarding > Code List > Site Types. The Site Types page is displayed.
- Click New. The Add Site Type page is displayed.
- Specify this information:
- Site type
- The type of the site. For example: purchase office, warehouse, and so on.
- Description
- The description for the site.
- Approval Required
- Select this check box to mandate the site approval.
- Approval Group
- The group that approves the site. This field is enabled only when the Approval Required check box is selected.
- Click Save. The Certificates, Agreements and Surveys tabs are enabled.
- Click the Certificates tab.
- Select the Certificate that must be linked to the site.
- Click Add to add the certificates.
Specify or review the certificate details
- Certificate Name
- The name of the Certificate.
- Description
- The description of the certificate.
- Mandatory
- Select this check box to indicate that the certificate must be uploaded.
- Click the Agreements tab.
- Select the agreement that must be linked to the site.
- Click Add to add the agreement.
Specify or review the agreement details:
- Agreement Name
- The name of the Agreement.
- Description
- The description of the agreement.
- Mandatory
- Select this check box to indicate that the agreement must be signed and uploaded.
- Click the Surveys tab.
- Select the surveys that must be linked to the site.
- Click Add.
Review the survey details such as the name and description of the survey.
Note: You can delete a certificate, agreement or a survey linked to the site type, using the Delete option.