Adding or modifying flex field

Use this page to add or modify the flex field. You can define the flex field for the combination of the facility and document type.

  1. Select Setup > Flex Fields.
  2. Specify the criteria in the Filter Criteria section.
  3. Select Search. The flex fields for the selected criteria are displayed in the Flex-Fields section.
  4. Click Add, to add a flex field. The Flex-Fields detail page is displayed.
    To modify an existing flex field, click Edit corresponding to the code. The Flex-Fields detail page is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:
    Facility Name
    The name of the location. The value is defaulted from the Flex-Fields page.
    The document level (header/line) at which the flex field is added.
    The code of the flex field to identify the data in inbound and outbound files.
    The path for the inbound or outbound XML document.
    Note: You can create an XPath for PO, PPO, Shipper and RFQ documents.
    The language for the flex field.
    The name of the flex field.
    Minimum Length
    The minimum number of characters required for the flex field.
    Maximum Length
    The maximum number of characters allowed for the flex field.
    If this check box is selected, the flex field must be included in the inbound and outbound API files.
    Indicates whether the flex field is used in the documents.
    Enable Supplier Edit
    Select this check box to allow the supplier to edit flex field in the Supplier Editable Information.
  6. Click Save.