Creating or modifying the role

Use this page to create or modify the user-defined roles. You can also view the role templates that can be assigned to the role.

  1. Select Setup > Master Data > Security > Define Roles. The Roles list page is displayed.
  2. Click New. The Role detail page is displayed.
    Note: You can use the Edit option corresponding to the role to modify the role details.
  3. Specify the Name for the role.
  4. Select the role template in the Template Information section and click Apply.
    Note:  The Template Information section is displayed only when creating a new role.
  5. Click View, to view the template details.
  6. Select the Implemented check box corresponding to the Category that must be added to the role.
    Note:  Clear the check box to remove the Category for the role.
  7. Click Edit corresponding to the Category, to modify the modules that must be assigned to the role. The Role Information page is displayed.
  8. Click Submit.