Creating an inspection request
Use this page to create an inspection request for the supplier.
- Select Source Inspection > Inspection Requests. The Inspection Requests page is displayed.
- Click Add. The details page is displayed.
- Specify this information:
- Facility
- The location for which the inspection request is created.
- Supplier
- The code of the supplier to whom the inspection request is addressed.
- Request Create Date
- The date on which the inspection request is created.
- Contact
- The name of the supplier to whom the inspection request is addressed.
- Target Date
- The date before which the response to the inspection request must be submitted by the supplier.
Click Save. The inspection request
is created.
- The inspection number is automatically generated based on the prefix specified by the buyer.
- You can add inspection lines to the inspection request using the Add option in the Inspection Lines section.
Click Add. The Add
Lines window is displayed wherein you can select the PO line for
which the inspection request must be created.
- You can only view the outstanding purchase order lines that are yet to be shipped.
- You can add multiple inspection request lines based on the buyer consent.
- Click Save. The discrete PO lines are added to the Inspection line.
Review this information:
- Part
- The part number to be inspected.
- Part Description
- The description for the part to be inspected.
- Procurement Method
- The business process for which the inspection request is created.
- Purchase Order
- The purchase order number.
- Required Quantity
- The total quantity required to be shipped.
- Shipment Due Quantity
- The number of parts that yet to be shipped.
- Inspection Due Quantity
- The total number of parts to be inspected.
- Specify the quantities to be inspected in the Inspection Quantity field.
Click the Serials option
corresponding to the Part number. A window is displayed wherein you can generate
the serial numbers for the parts to be inspected.
Note: You can generate serial numbers:
- Only if the part is a serialized item.
- Based on the masks or prefix by specifying the starting serial number and selecting the Generate Serial option.
- Click Save. The serial numbers are saved to the inspection line.
- Click Save. The line is saved to the inspection request.
Click Publish. The inspection
request is published.
Note: You can cancel the inspection request that are published using the Revoke option only if the request is not accepted.