Shipment History
Use this page to view the shipment status data such as the estimated and actual arrival date and time to the checkpoint location as defined by the shipment manager.
The details of the shipment are displayed in the Shipment Details section. The information displayed is related to the shipment selected on the Shipment Tracking Console page.
This information is displayed in the Checkpoint List section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Status | The status of the shipment based on the Estimated Arrival Date to the checkpoint. |
Checkpoint | The name of the location on the shipment's route to the Ship To location. |
Original Estimated Arrival Date | The estimated date and time when the shipment reaches the Checkpoint, calculated when the ASN is published. |
Estimated Arrival Date | The estimated date and time when the shipment reaches the Checkpoint. |
Actual Arrival Date | The date and time when the shipment reached the | .
You can also use this page to:
- View the checkpoint information for the shipment using the Status. The Checkpoint detail page is displayed. option corresponding to the
- View the Advance Ship Notice (ASN) related to the shipment. Click the ASN number in the Shipment Details section.