Open Premium Freight Authorizations
Use this page to review the Premium Freight Authorizations (PFAs) with status, Open. The PFA details such as AETC number, part number and the quantity of the part required are displayed.
To access this page, click the Open Premium Freight Authorizations tile on the Releases tab that is displayed on the Event Management Console page.
Review this information in the Premium Freight Authorizations section:
Field Name | Field Description |
AETC No. | The Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) code that indicates the excess transport cost related to the shipment. |
Facility | The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised. |
Ship To | The location to which the parts are shipped. |
Dock | The code of the dock to which the shipment is sent. |
Supplier | The name of the supplier. |
Part | The customer defined code of the part. |
Required Qty | The quantity of the part to be shipped. |
You can also use this page to:
- View the details of the PFA using the Authorization Details page is displayed. corresponding to the PFA. The
- View the contact details of the customer and the carrier information using corresponding to the PFA. The Contact Information page is displayed.