Creating or modifying Facility

Use this page to create or modify a facility. You can specify or modify the default currency, label serial number prefix and address for the facility.

  1. Select Setup > Master Data > Facilities.
  2. Click New. The Facility Information page is displayed. To modify an existing facility, select the facility name and click Update. The Facility Information page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name of the facility.
    Facility ID
    The code of the facility that links the application with the external data.
    Contact Name
    The name of the contact user.
    Use as Sold To Address
    Indicates whether the facility address is displayed as the Sold To address on the Advance Ship Notice (ASN).
    Late AETC Number
    The last Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) number assigned for a shipment to the facility.
    Note:  This field is displayed only if the AETC functionality is enabled.
    Default Currency
    The currency used for transactions with the facility.
    The language used to print the shipping documents for the shipments related to the facility's Ship To location.
    Label Serial Number Prefix
    The code that is added as a prefix to the serial number on the barcode label.
    Next Label Serial Number
    The next serial number of the barcode label.
    Maximum Label Serial Number
    The number up to which the serial number is generated for the barcode label.
    The address of the facility to which the parts are shipped.
    The name of the city where the facility is located.
    The name of the country where the facility is located.
    The name of the state or province where the facility is located.
    Postal Code
    The postal code of the city where the facility is located.
    Time Zone
    The time zone in which the facility is located.
    Accounting Entity ID
    The accounting entity code assigned to the Ship To location.
    The location code assigned to the Ship To.
    External Logical ID
    The logical ID to identify the ERP package instance in an SOA environment.
    Note:  This field is applicable only if the Protocol is set to Infor Open SOA.
    Financial Entity
    Select this check box to enable the Financial Details section.
    Note: You can use the Copy option to duplicate the accounting entity ID, location, and external logical ID details in the Financial Details section.
  4. Click Submit. The Select a Facility page is displayed.