Creating or modifying the user profile
Use this page to create or modify the user profile details such as the user name, password, user preferences and the contact information.
- Select Setup > Security > Define Users.
New. The
User Profile page is displayed.
To modify an existing user profile, click Edit. The User Profile page is displayed.
Specify or modify this information:
- Name
- The name of the user.
- Job Title
- The job title of the user.
- Type
- The type of user. Possible values:
- User
- Contact and User
- User ID
- The login ID for the user. This is a mandatory field.
- Admin User
- If this check box is selected, the user is assigned the administrator rights and can access all the components of the application. This user can modify other user profiles.
- Admin Current Password
- The password of the Admin User. This field is displayed only for the admin user profile.
- New Password/ Confirm New Password
- The password for the user to login to the application.
- Role
- The role for the user account that determines the user's access to the application.
- Restriction Group
- The restriction group for the user account that determines the user's access to data related to the supplier, facilities and ship to locations.
- Date Format
- The date format for the user account.
- Language
- The language in which the application is displayed.
- Default Facility
- The name of the location from where the requirement for the parts
is raised.Note: This location is defined by the user and is used as a default facility for different processes.
- Theme
- The color scheme for the application, specific to this user.
- Number Format
- The number format for the user account.
- Default Ship To
- The location at which the parts are received by default.Note: This location is defined by the user and is used as a default Ship To for different processes.
- Address
- The address of the user location.
- City
- The name of the city where the user is located.
- Country
- The name of the country where the user is located.
- State/Province
- The name of the state or the province where the user is located.
- Postal Code
- The postal code of the user location.
- Time Zone
- The time zone in which the user is located.
- Work Phone/ Home Phone/ Cellular Phone
- The phone number to contact the user.
- Pager
- The pager number of the user.
- Fax
- The fax number of the user.
- Work Email
- The official email of the user.
- Home Email
- The email id of the user.
You can also use these options:
- Delete: Deletes the user profile. However, the user data is retained in the application data sets.
- Anonymize: Deletes the user profile. The user personal data such as email, contact and address is masked as '****' in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Export XML: Allows you to copy the user data in the .xml format.
Note: The Anonymize and Export XML values are only displayed to administration role users.