Purchase Order Line Item

Use this page to view the line item details of the Purchase Order (PO) such as the part number, quantity, ship to, PO number and the pricing information.

Review this information in the Purchase Order Information section:

Field Name Field Description
Facility The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
Ship To The location at which the parts are received.
Release The number of the release with which the PO is published.
Supplier The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
PO Date The date when the PO is generated.
PO Number The PO number associated with the requirement.
RMA Number The Return Material Authorization number associated with the purchase order.
Note: The value in the field is displayed only if there is RMA associated with the purchase order.

Review this information in the Part Information section:

Field Name Field Description
Customer Part The code of the part. This value is defaulted from the Part Number field on the Part Information page.
Supplier Part The supplier defined code of the part.
Description The code or description of the part.
Model Year The code of the part that indicates the year when the part is used.
Eng. Level The code that indicates the required version of the part.

Review this information in the Pricing Information section:

Field Name Field Description
Unit Price The price of the part per specified unit of measure.
Ext. Price The total price of the PO line item. Extended price = Unit Price X Quantity Ordered
Price Eff. The date from which the Unit Price for the part is applicable.
Price Exp. The date up to which the Unit Price for the part is applicable.
Pricing U of M The Unit of Measure (U of M) to determine the pricing for the ordered quantity of the part.
Tax Exempt Indicates the tax exemption status of the part.

Review this information in the Disposition section:

Field Name Field Description
Status The status of the PO line item.
Note: You must specify a reason within 200 characters, while rejecting a purchase order.
Ordered The quantity of the part required.
U of M The unit of measure (U of M) for the ordered quantity of the part.
Dock The code of the dock where the shipment is received.
Shipped The quantity of the part shipped by the supplier.
Due The remaining quantity of the part to be shipped against the Ordered quantity. Due = Quantity Ordered - Quantity Shipped
Orig. Date - Req. Date The date when the parts are required.
Backorder Qty The quantity of the part placed on backorder to be shipped later.
Backorder Date The date when the Backorder Qty is expected to be shipped.

Review this information in the Additional Information section:

Field Name Field Description
Consigned Replenishment Indicates that the purchase order is available for the shipment process only and not for the invoice process.
  • The value in this field is displayed as ‘Y’ if the purchase order does not exist for the invoice creation.
  • The value in this field as ‘N’ if the purchase order exists for the invoice creation.
Consigned Payment Indicates that the payment is initiated for the purchase order available for the shipment process.
  • If the value in the field is defaulted as ‘Y’, the invoice for the purchase order or the purchase order lines is created directly without shipper creation.
  • If the value in the field is defaulted as ‘N’, the invoice for the purchase order or the purchase order lines is created against the shipper

Specify the information in the Supplier Editable Information section to edit the fields on the purchase order enabled by the buyer.

Review this information in the Allowance and Charges section:
Field Field Description
Type The type of charge levied on the purchase order.

Possible values:

  • Internal Charge
  • External Charge
Description The description for the type of charge levied.
Method The process by which the charge is levied.
Note: You can also view the number of times the charges are levied on the Purchase Order.
Rate The percentage of charge levied on the Purchase Order.
Amount The amount of charge levied on the Purchase Order.