Submitting an audit

Use this page to accept or revert the issued or scheduled audit.

  1. Select Supplier Auditing > Audit Management. The list of issued or saved audits is displayed on Audit Management page.
  2. Click the view option corresponding to the audit in the Applications List section. The audit application details are displayed.
  3. Review the below information:
    The name of the supplier.
    Audit Element Type
    The name of the audit element type.
    Audit Type
    The type of the audit.
    The name of the auditor to whom the audit is scheduled.
    Audit Manager
    The name of the audit manager who scheduled the audit.
    Audit Date
    The date on which audit is scheduled.
    Audit Start Date
    The date on which the audit starts.
    Audit End date
    The date on which the audit ends.
    Note: You can use this page to:
    • View the survey-related details of the supplier on the Surveys tab.
    • View the non-conformance code details in the Non-Conformance tab.
    • View the approved audit element types on the Approval tab.
    • View the history and the comments of the audit application in the History tab.
  4. Select Accept/Revert.
    Note: You can
    • Start the auditing only if the scheduled audit is accepted.
    • Use the Accept option to accept the audit schedule and start the audit process.
    • Revert the audit to the audit manager using the Revert option if the auditing cannot be performed on the given schedule.
    • You can specify the information in the Revoke notes fields within 1000 characters.
  5. Select Submit.
  6. Click Add field in the Surveys tab. A pop-up is displayed wherein the audit element linked to the survey is displayed.
  7. Specify the information in the Audit Element and Survey fields.
  8. Click Add in the Non-Conformances tab. A pop-up is displayed wherein the audit element linked to the non-conformance code and the surveys are displayed.
    Note: The surveys are displayed based on the selected audit elements.
  9. Specify the information in the Audit Element and Non-Conformance fields.
  10. Select Approve/ Reject for audit element types in the Approval tab.
    Note: You can perform action in the Approval tab only if the audit manager's approval is not required.
  11. Review the history and the comments of the audit application in the History tab.
  12. Select an attachment to upload if required.
  13. Select Issue.
  14. Select Confirm. The survey is issued to the supplier.
  15. Select Submit.
    Note: You can submit the audit to the audit manager only after the supplier responds to the survey.