Defining parameters for audit setup

Use this page to define the parameters for audit setup.

  1. Select Supplier Auditing > Audit Setup. The Audit Setup page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information on the Audit Parameters tab.
    Allow Add Manual Audit Elements
    Select this check box to enable the audit manager, to manually add audit element types other than the standard element types.
    Non-Conformance Codes Required
    Select this check box to enable the auditor, to use the codes defined in the Non-conformance Codes tab.
    Note: The auditor cannot manually add the non-conformance codes if the Non-Conformance Codes Required check box is selected.
    Approval Required by Audit Manager
    Select this check box to make the audit manager's approval mandatory for the auditor-submitted audit.
  3. Select the survey type in the Audit Survey Types field.
  4. Specify this information in the Labels section:
    Audit Element Type Label
    The preferred name for the audit element type.
    Audit Element Label
    The preferred name for the audit element.
  5. Specify the information in the Common Instructions field. This information is displayed during the audit.
    Note: You can
    • Specify this information within 1200 characters.
    • Edit the instructions while scheduling the audit to the auditor.
  6. Click Submit.