Viewing consolidated logs
Use the View Consolidated Logs page to view the logs for all of the different services for Supplier Exchange. Logs are date and time stamped in the log file name.
The logs contain all reads and writes to the database.
This is a listing of the various Supplier Exchange logs and a brief description of what is getting captured in each.
- Status Reporter This log captures information concerning the creation of alerts.
- Scheduler This log captures information concerning the purge and export scheduler.
- Report This log captures information concerning the printing of labels and PDF documents.
- On Ramp This log captures information concerning Infor ION.
- Mail Service This log captures information concerning the creation of emails.
- ISA This log captures information concerning Infor Support Assistant.
- Gateway. This log captures all file traffic from Supplier Exchange. This log contains information similar to the File Status page.
- EMC This log captures information concerning the Event Management console.
- Chart Service This log captures information concerning any errors with exporting xls (Microsoft Excel) files from Supplier Exchange.