Accepting or rejecting an AETC Request
Use this page to accept or reject the Authorized Excess Transportation
Cost (AETC) Request.
Note: You can accept or reject only the AETC requests with status
Waiting Approval.
- Select Shipments > Reply to AETC Requests.
- Specify the search criteria.
- Click Submit. The AETC requests are displayed in the AETC Shipping Requests section.
- Click Edit corresponding to the supplier. The Request Details page is displayed.
Review this information:
- Supplier
- The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the parts.
- Facility
- The name of the location from where the request for the parts is raised.
- Ship To
- The location to which the parts are shipped.
- Shipper No.
- The code or number of the shipper.
- Ship Date
- The date when the shipment is sent.
- Request Date
- The date when the AETC request is published.
- Shipper No.
- The code of the shipper.
- Excess Cost
- The shipping cost that does not meet the terms and conditions of the contract.
- Comments
- The additional information by the supplier related to the AETC Request.
- AETC No.
- The AETC code that indicates the excess cost related to the shipment.
- Responsibility
- The business partner (customer or supplier) responsible to pay the additional costs related to the shipment.
- Comments
- The additional information related to the authorization.
- Status
- The status of the AETC request.
Possible values:
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Waiting Approval
- Click Submit. The Request List page is displayed.