Managing Premium Freight Carriers

Use this page to create, modify or delete the Premium Freight Carriers that are used when creating a Premium Freight Authorization (PFA).

  1. Select Premium Freight > Set Up Freight Carriers.
  2. Click Add in the Carriers section. The Carrier Information section is displayed.
    You can modify an existing freight carrier details using the Edit option corresponding to the carrier. The Carrier Information section is displayed.
  3. Specify or modify this information:
    Carrier Name
    The name of the carrier that transports the premium freight shipment.
    Ship Method
    The mode of conveyance to transport the shipment.
    The email address to contact the carrier.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Delete corresponding to the carrier to delete the existing carrier details. The application prompts for continuation of the deletion process.
  6. Click OK.