Supplier Documents
Use this page to view the documents published by the supplier.
To access this page, select Document Source as Supplier on the Documents Search Criteria page. The information is displayed based on the search criteria specified.
This information is displayed in the Supplier Documents section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Supplier | The name of the supplier for whom the document is published. |
Document Name | The name of the document. |
Version | The version number of the document. |
Viewed By / Date | The user who viewed the document. The date and time when the document is viewed is also displayed. |
Expiry Status | The validity period or status of the
Note: The status of the document is set to
Expired, if the
current date has exceeded the
Expiry Date.
Expiry Date | The date on which the document is expired. |
You can also use this page to:
- Download the document using the option corresponding to the document.
- View the previous versions of the document using the plus (+) icon. The versions of the document are displayed in hierarchical order.