Creating or modifying supplier profile

Use this page to create or modify the supplier profile. The profile information includes the supplier name, the registration ID and the registration key.

  1. Select Setup > Master Data > Suppliers.
  2. Select a facility in the Select a Facility section.
  3. Click Add Supplier. The Setup Suppliers page is displayed. You can use View corresponding to the supplier name to modify the supplier profile information.
  4. Specify or review this information:
    The name of the supplier.
    Supplier ID
    The code of the supplier used to link the application data to an external application data.
    Outside Processing
    Indicate whether the supplier is an external contractor for processing the parts.
    Note: This field is enabled only if the supplier completes the registration process.
    VAN User
    Indicate whether the supplier uses the value-added network (VAN) for communication.
    Note: This field is enabled only if the supplier completes the registration process.
    Duns ID
    The nine-digit code that is used to identify and track the businesses.
    Registration ID
    The ID for the supplier. This ID must be used by the supplier when registering with the application.
    Registration Key
    The password for the supplier registration.
    Note:  This field is displayed only when creating the supplier profile.
    Registration Key Confirmation
    The password that must be same as specified in the Registration Key field.
    Note:  This field is displayed only when creating the supplier profile.
    Email address
    The email address of the point of contact for the supplier.
  5. Click Send Invitation.The supplier receives an email with Registration ID, Registration key and instructions.
  6. Select and move the facilities that can be accessed by the supplier from the Available Facilities to the Authorized Facilities.
    Note: You can de-link a facility using the back arrow.
  7. Click Submit.