Use this page to view the shipper information such as the ship from, ship to, shipper number, supplier ID, carrier code and the line item and container details.
To view this page, click the Shipping History page.
on the partReview this information in the header section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Supplier | The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part. |
Sold To | The name of the customer. |
Ship From | The location from where the parts are shipped. |
Ship To | The location at which the parts are received. |
Shipper/PKG List | |
Shipper No. | The code of the shipper. |
Date | The date and time when the shipper is published. |
Supplier ID | The code of the supplier. |
Facility ID | The code of the facility. |
Dest ID | The code of the ship to location. |
Freight | The payment option for the shipment. Possible
Route Code | The code of the route for the shipment. This value is defaulted from the Route Details page. |
AETC No. | The Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) code assigned to the shipment indicates that the excess charge is approved. |
SCAC | The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) code of the carrier that transports the shipment. |
Transportation Method | The mode of conveyance to transport the shipment. |
Vehicle Number | The railcar, trailer or the air freight number. |
Dock | The code of the dock where the shipment is received. |
AETC Responsibility | The company that pays for the excess cost related to the shipment. |
Pro Number | The number used to track the shipment. |
Bill Of Lading Number | The code of the shipment provided by the carrier that transports the shipment. |
Carrier | The code of the carrier that transports the shipment. |
Supplier Attached Files | The file(s) attached by the supplier. |
Review this information in the Line Items section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Quantity Shipped | The quantity of the part shipped by the supplier. |
Customer Part No. | The code of the part. |
PO Number | The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirement. |
Lot Number | The code for the batch of parts that are manufactured at the same time, using the same process. |
Description | The description of the part. |
Review this information in the Container Totals section:
Field Name | Field Description |
Type | The type of container used for the shipment. |
Description | The description of the container. |
Serial | The serial number of the container. |
Lot Number | The lot number of the container. |
Master/Mix Containers Total Qty | The number of master or mix containers used for the shipment. |
Detail Containers Total Qty | The number of detail containers used for the shipment. |
Loose Containers Total Qty | The number of loose containers used for the shipment. |
Additional Packaging Total Qty | The number of additional (miscellaneous) containers used for the shipment. |