Modifying configuration of a site

  1. Select Settings > Enterprise > Administer Site Configuration Options. The Administer Site Configuration Options page is displayed.
    Note: Users assigned to the Administrator role can only access this page at the site level.
  2. Select a business unit for which you require to modify the configuration of a site.
  3. Click Edit Configuration in the Actions section corresponding to the required site. The Edit Configuration page is displayed.
  4. Specify an identification number, in the Site Support ID field, for the account related to the Infor Customer Portal.
  5. Select the Use Annual Service Periods check box to enable defining service periods annually.
    Note: If this check box is selected and the configurations on this page are saved, you cannot clear the check box.
  6. Specify this information in the Reservation Settings section:
    Prioritize Single Assets Over Combined Assets
    Select this check box to view combined assets after single assets, when checking availability for booking a reservation.
    Note: This functionality is applicable only when the Unused Capacity Limit (by Activity Type) field is set to No Limit on the Unused Capacity Limit (by Activity Type) page.
    Reservations Cannot Extend Past Service Period End
    Select this check box to enable this feature.
    Note:  If this check box is selected, this feature is displayed on the Edit Day of the Week Service Period page.
  7. Specify this information in the Floor Management Options section:
    Polling Duration
    The number of seconds within which Floor Management checks for modifications made by other users.
    Note: The value specified in this field must be between 15 and 120.
    Floor Plan Background Color
    The background color of the floor plan.
    Note: To view the selected color, you must select the Use Blank Background check box on the New Floor Plan page.
  8. Select the appropriate check box(es) in the Administer Feature Access section to provide authorization to a user for accessing the respective feature(s).
  9. Specify this information in the Administer SMS Paging section:
    SMS Paging Status
    The status of SMS paging that indicates whether a message can be sent when a reservation is moved to paged.
    Max SMS Text Messages
    The maximum number of messages that can be sent within the specified period.
    SMS Activation Date
    The date from when messages can be sent.
  10. Click Set From Expiration Date to consider the site or enterprise expiration date as the date on which the SMS text messaging expires.
    Note: The SMS text messaging expiration date can also be set manually by selecting a date from the calendar displayed.
  11. Click Save.