Manage Google Calendar Settings

The Manage Google Calendar Settings page enables you to sign in with Google to configure the process of exporting events to Google Calendar.

You can select one of the business types to export the related data to the calendar:
  • Appointments
  • Events
  • Functions

You can use this page to view the details of the calendar such as name, type of business, status, and description of the calendar and whether the calendar is active.

The Hide Details column indicates whether the event details are hidden. You can select Include Inactive check box to view the inactive calendar record.

You can also use this page to:
  • Add a calendar, using Add Calendar option.
  • Refresh the calendar status, using the Refresh Calendar Status option.
  • Modify an existing calendar, using the Edit option.
  • Delete the calendar, using the Delete option.
  • Disconnect from Google, using the Disconnect from Google option.
  • Deactivate the calendar, using Deactivate option.