Adding or modifying a section to wait station template

  1. Select Settings > Reservations > Manage Wait Station Templates. The Manage Wait Station Templates page is displayed.
  2. Select a division and a site for which a wait station template must be modified.
  3. Click Edit in the Actions section corresponding to the name of the wait station template. The Edit Wait Station Template page is displayed.
  4. Modify the name of the wait station template as required in the Name field.
  5. Click Save. The Wait Station Template Details page is displayed.
  6. Click Add Section. The Settings page is displayed.
  7. Specify this information in the Section Details section:
    The name of the section.
    The color of the section.
  8. Select one or more reservation assets in the Reservation Assets section.
  9. Click Save.
    Note: You can also modify the section, using the Edit Section option or delete the section, using the Remove Section option.
  10. Click Done.