- Label
- The name of the custom field.
Note: You cannot modify the
Field Type
- Locked
- Select this check box to include the custom field mandatorily in the page
- Required For All
- Select this checkbox to mandate the use of custom field for all divisions.
Note: The custom field is made mandatory for all divisions, only if
the custom field is added to the page layout of that
- Required For Divisions
- The division(s) for which the custom field is required.
Note: This field is displayed, only if the Required For All checkbox is
- Required In Portals
- Select this check box to mandate the use of the custom
field in the portals for all divisions.
- Required In Portals For Divisions
- The division(s) for which the custom field is required in portals.
Note: This field is displayed, only if the Required In Portals checkbox
is cleared.